Confolio - An electronic portfolio system

Discussion-points for Confolio Launch meeting 2010-05-17

In the meeting on the 3rd of May 2010 we initiated what can be called a policy-discussion about the Confolio. Below those points are listed and some more have been added, and as this is a wiki-page it is really easy to edit. So, if you feel some point is missing, tell Fredrik

  1. Who should we let in to the Confolio system? Should it be members of EHA, members of an NS somehow associated with EHA (or is that perhaps the same if the NS is a part of EHA?) What about National Societies outside of Europe and H-net?
    Notes from the meeting: Each personal member is a member individually in EHA and not through their NS. To include the members of EHA is then rather easy, see the discsussion-conclusion on point 2 below. To include for example members of ASH could get a bit more problematic as they are outside Europe and we do not really know what type of information we have the right to keep about them. Ineke has promised to keep on looking on how we do this and still have the legal issues right.
  2. How do we let them in? This is of course closely related to discussion point 1) above. In another project where the KMR-group is involved something that can be called an "open sign up" is being developed, which would basically allow anyone with access to the Web to get an account to the Confolio. Perhaps not what we want, though we need to make rather "effortlessly" to join if the person is allowed in. Should perhaps each member of EHA get an account automatically? If so, how?
    Notes from the meeting: If only members of EHA are allowed in it could be quite easily checked as EHA keep each members email-adress. The adress can be used by the memeber to sign up for the Confolio and the rest can be solved automatically by the data-system (this is hopefully not too technically complicated). To include other hematologists (ie none EHA-members) need some more consideration.
  3. How can we control that no abusive, illegal or inappropriate material is uploaded or linked to. Self-regulation is one method where for example a button that can be pushed by the user who finds it and where additional comments can be added, specifying the reason why. We also already now have this checkbox that needs to be checked before submitting any material, would this be enough?
    • What would be considered abusive and inappropriate? Some kind of document deciding that would perhaps be needed. When you upload something now to the Confolio the label for the check-box says: "This resource has been pre-checked according to the rules of the H-net project" and that statement refers to such a document that does not exist yet.
    • In the worst case a user might have to be removed, what would be the policy here? Three warnings and then out? In case this is necessary or an account needs to be removed for other reasons it is possible to extract all the data from an account into a zip-file and hand over to the user.
      Notes from the meeting: We first of all decided that we needed a document stating the condition of use of the system, Ineke is looking up what we can find from other organisations who run similar systems. Another issue to consider is the case when a Confolio user no longer fulfills the requirement to get an account, should that person be "kicked out" of the Confolio. Do we have other scenarios to disactivate a user?
  4. Related to the point above are how much space a user should be allowed to use. This will be possible soon to configure.
    Notes from the meeting: As we do not really know how much files a typical user can upload it is hard to say anything about this point. It also comes down to how much disk-space we have on the server. One suggestion from the meeting was to perhaps keep it to around 3-500 Megabyte per person, but only reveal it to them when they are reaching the limit. In order to acquire more is to upload popular material. Ie, a person who uploads or links to things that are often used should be provided with more space. To not have a restriction could be an option, though we would then need to see a bit more how the user are using the system and how fast the disk-space becomes a problem.
  5. Some kind of evaluation after the Confolio has been used in the masterclass should be done, in order to make them easier to use. One rather easy point is to improve the manual and perhaps also add it to the in order to make it a bit "fancier"
    • Except using text, it is also rather simple to create instructional videos and put them online. However, in case we think we need sound it gets a bit more complicated, not technically, but the one who records needs to talk and do the action at the same time, which is a bit trickier. If we should do that depends on how "fancy" the videos should be
      Notes from the meeting: Fredrik will start by soon make an update of both the text and the pictures of the manual. Will also look into the possibility to make it look a bit more fancy and include it on the H-net website.
  6. Future improvements, what more would we like to be possible to do in the Confolio system?
    Notes from the meeting: Not discussed so much, we have had a discussion about this earlier in both virtual and physical meetings. Fredrik will compile a list of these. More input on this point is of course welcome